Dealing With Negative People

Posted in   Positive Thinking   on  by  Karim0

Dealing With Negative People

Dealing With Negative People

How To Use Positive Thinking to Deal with Negative People

Negative people can really knock you down, drain your energy, force you to give up and make you feel like you can’t achieve your goals or even make good decisions. When you run into negative people that make you feel negative and get you down, positive thinking might be the furthest thing from your mind.

You probably don’t realize it but that negative energy that’s coming from those negative people is really destroying any positive energy you may have. You might wonder why you feel so bad at the end of the day when you’ve endured negativity at work, at school, or even when you’re just with friends (especially if they’re negative). It’s all those negative statements and that negative energy that’s draining you.

Time to Get Rid of That Negative Energy

So what can you do? How do you keep that negative energy away or prevent it from affecting you?

The easiest thing to do is to stay away from those negative people and avoid negative conversations. But you may not even realize just who is having a negative impact on you. Then when you do find out they might just be really close friends and people you like. You may not want to stay away from them.

If that’s the case then change the conversation. Avoid being sucked into negative conversations that just make you feel bad and create more negative energy. That doesn’t mean you can’t express how you feel – just don’t get into a negative dialogue which just keeps going.

Try to create a positive conversation. You may get some resistance and they may fight you on your positive spin, that’s okay. If that happens, try to exit the conversation.

Avoid the whiners. You know; the kind who always complain and whine about everything. It will take way too much work to try and convince them that life is great and that they should be positive. I would skip them. If they’re close friends or family then you may want to try a gentle approach and see if you can create a positive conversation rather than trying to change them

If you simply can’t stay away from negative people and have to deal with them, try to create an internal series of positive thinking so you’re not impacted by their negativity.

For example, if you work with someone who constantly complains don’t try to get them to see the brighter side. Just keep it short and move on. After a while they’ll likely get the hint and because you’re not negative, they’ll just stay away.

Negative people like to feed off negativity. So if you’re not negative they simply won’t want to be around you.

Use The Power Of Positive Thinking

If you really want to help someone go from being negative to being positive and get rid of all the negative energy, then you can try turning the tables around by saying something positive when they get into a negative tailspin.

You can even explain to them how positive thinking helps you to get through your days and helps you be more optimistic and happy.

Show them or explain the benefits of positive thinking and try to get them to see the brighter side. Help them break the habit of negative thinking and being negative. This will take work so expect some push back from them – just be patient.

You can even have a little contest or trial. Come up with a series of positive affirmations that are focused on helping them achieve a particular goal. You can do the same for yourself.

Then commit to reciting the affirmations for at least 3 months and after that see if there’s been some improvement or if they’ve even become a little more positive. If you see some progress, keep going for another 3 months.

You can also check up on each other and help each other with their affirmations and help create positive thoughts.

Try daring them and ask them if they’re up for the challenge. Ask them to try being positive for a week and see how it helps them and if they can break their negative dialogue.

The goal is to get yourself and them into a habit of positive thinking – just remember – do this for those you really care about because most negative people will put up a lot of resistance and blast more negativity towards you – not to mention a few curse words may come your way.

If they fight back or give up don’t take it personally. Just go back to being positive and focus on doing what you can to spread the positive energy.

You can use positive thinking to deal with negative people and get rid of negative energy – even if it’s your boss. It will just take some time and practice.

Once you get the hang of it you’ll feel a lot better and the days will be a lot easier. You also won’t have to deal with all that negative energy. Try it for 90-days – then come back and let me know how things went.

About the Author Karim

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