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Breatkthrough To Success

Posted in   Positive Thinking   on  by  Karim0

Breakthrough To Success

Turning Negative Thoughts To Positive Thoughts

Your Success starts in your mind. And that's where we need to turn things around. For you to achieve greater success, or simply achieve any goal you have to think and believe you can succeed. That means you have to push out the negative thoughts and negative beliefs. Negative thoughts really don’t help you, they make your life difficult, prevent you from pursuing your goals and dreams and really hold you back; they don’t let you live to your full potential. Everyday we have tens of thousands of thoughts. It’s estimated the average person will have 50-thousand thoughts a day. When you’re stressed that number can easily climb to 80-thousand. Unfortunately most of those thoughts are negative. These negative thoughts can really destroy your life or at the very least make your life difficult and unpleasant.

Why We Need To Get Rid Of Negative Thinking

When you have too many negative thoughts you misdirect your subconscious mind. You actually force this powerful partner to bring you the situations that you don’t want in life. And when you hang on to your negative thoughts, when you allow them to stay on your mind, your subconscious will keep making your life harder and harder only because you’re giving your subconscious the wrong instructions. You need to change how you direct your subconscious and that means getting rid of the negative thoughts and negative beliefs. In this article I show you how to stop negative thinking and direct your subconscious to bring you the situations you really want, so that you live the kind of life you really want.

Negative Thoughts: Weeds Of The Mind

Negative thoughts are a lot like weeds, they pop up quickly, and you don’t even notice them. Before you know it they spread and destroy your garden which is your subconscious mind. Just like weeds destroying a garden, over time, negative thoughts will destroy your life, prevent you from achieving your goals, make you feel like giving up and really make life a lot harder. That’s why it’s crucial that you stop negative thinking and get rid of negative thoughts as quickly as possible.

How Your Thoughts Create Your Life

Your thoughts connect you to your subconscious mind. Your subconscious picks up on all your thoughts. It doesn’t act on every thought. Instead, it responds to thoughts that are repeated over and over again. These kinds of thoughts become beliefs. Beliefs are what your subconscious mind acts on. It sees your beliefs as instructions for creating your life. This is how you direct your subconscious mind, with your beliefs. Positive thoughts that are repeated over and over again become positive beliefs. When you have positive beliefs, your subconscious will pick up on these positive instructions and create your life based on your positive instructions, so life will be more pleasant and enjoyable. You probably have some positive beliefs that allow you to function and get things done. Here’s a simple example of a positive belief that your subconscious mind may be following as an instruction. You likely believe that you can get to work on time everyday and so this belief is picked up by your subconscious mind which helps you get to work on time everyday. You’ll get up at a certain time, you’ll leave home at a certain time and you’ll get to work on time just about everyday. Sure once in a while you’ll have something slow you down, but your subconscious will even help you get to work on time when something slows you down by sending you an intuitive message. Believing you’ll get to work on time everyday is a positive belief that allows you to achieve something important – getting to work on time. It’s this kind of belief that allows you to function. Negative thoughts that are repeated over and over again become negative beliefs. These kinds of beliefs are also picked up by your subconscious mind; they’re also instructions which your subconscious follows. Because these beliefs are negative your subconscious will then create situations that make your life difficult. Here’s an example of a negative belief that can make your life difficult You might believe that it’s hard to make money. You want to make more money but you think it’s hard to make and have more money. When you have this kind of belief in place, you subconscious will make sure that you have a difficult time making money, so that making money is hard for you. You may choose the wrong investments, you may choose the wrong opportunities, you may choose a job that doesn’t pay you enough, and it will get harder to make and have more money. Your subconscious will simply create and shape your life based on what you regularly think and believe.

How to Get Rid Of Negative Thinking

So now you know how your thoughts and beliefs work. You know your subconscious simply follows your beliefs – positive or negative. Your life is simply a mirror of what you think and believe. To enjoy life, to succeed, to achieve more and get all that you want out of life you have to get rid of the negative thinking and then remove the negative beliefs connected to those negative thoughts. You can get rid of the negative thoughts and negative beliefs by following these simple steps:

Step 1 – Do A Personal Checkup

Take a look at the areas of your life where you feel things aren’t working out, where you might not be as happy as you’d like to be or where you feel that you just can’t achieve what you want. You might find that you’re not happy with your current finances and when you take a closer look you’ll discover that you have a number of negative thoughts and negative beliefs about money that are preventing you from achieving your financial goals. You’ll have negative thoughts and negative beliefs in all areas where you’re not happy or not achieving a particular goal. There are underlying thoughts, fears and beliefs that go against what you really want. These are the negative thoughts and beliefs. Once you’ve identified these negative thoughts and negative beliefs you can go on to the next step which is to change or remove the negative thoughts and negative beliefs.

Step 2: Removing and Changing Negative Thoughts and Beliefs

Once you’ve identified the negative thoughts and negative beliefs you can begin changing them by creating new thoughts that will lead to new beliefs. These new thoughts are affirmations that you should say to yourself as often as you can when ever you can. Take a look at the negative thought and create a statement or affirmation that is the opposite of that negative thought. For example: If you have a belief that says: It’s difficult to meet good men/women – then change this to the opposite which would be: It’s easy to meet good men/women This may seem simplistic and it is – but it’s also very effective. The key is to repeat these statements when ever you can. Don’t just wait for negative thoughts to come up, say the statements as often as you can so that you don’t allow the negative thoughts to enter. You’ll likely find that your conscious mind is putting up resistance to these new thoughts and that you do not believe them right away. That’s okay, it’s to be expected. If that happens just continue reciting the affirmations and work with what I outline in Step 3 (see below). After a while you’ll develop a new belief that will help you achieve what you want. Once you’ve completed this step, go on to Step 3

Step 3: Supporting New Beliefs

Now that you know the limiting beliefs that are holding you back and now that you have new statements to replace and remove those limiting beliefs you need to support these new beliefs. By supporting these new beliefs you reduce the amount of resistance from your conscious mind. In this step you’re going to have a conversation with yourself and your conscious mind. You’re going to nurture and encourage yourself and your conscious mind. Here’s how you do that. When you say your new statements you want to support that statement with examples of why you can succeed or examples that support the new statement/affirmation For example: If you have a new statement that says: It’s easy to make money then support that with examples. You do this by looking at all the different ways that people make a lot of money without having to work as hard as you do. Or you could look for examples of people who made a lot of money. You could make more money by getting a raise, a promotion, a better paying job or starting a business. You could make money with investments or doing something completely different. If you have a statement that says: It’s easy to meet the right person, then think of all the ways you could meet this right person. You could simply bump into them, you could meet them through a friend, - just think of all the ways you could meet people. You always want to focus on solutions so that you support your new beliefs and statements. You’ll also push your mind to stop being so negative and that alone will get rid of a lot of the negative thinking. I’ve given you a few steps to work with and you can get more in my New Program: Breakthrough To Success - It's FREE. That's right I'm giving you this new program free just for visiting my blog today [optin-monster-shortcode id="j0hzh6eldqxssqxi"] Remember: your subconscious mind will create what you think and believe. Make sure you get rid of the negative thoughts and negative beliefs. Fill your mind and subconscious mind with positive thoughts and positive beliefs. Just follow the 3 steps I gave you to remove and replace those negative thoughts and negative beliefs.                
About the Author Karim

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